Go, Go, Gadgetmobile.
According to Brenda, Gadgetmobile is a "he", and is a heavy modified 1964 Lincoln Continental convertible.
Taking place one year later, Gadgetmobile has undergone a paint job and is now purple and sports 3 yellow G's, one on his hood and two on the doors. In his dashboard's vending machine, liver, beef, and chicken replaced Sprite, Surge, and Coca-Cola and the three dog food sections replaced McDonald's, Skittles, and M&M's. Gadgetmobile is also very lazy and so is his driver Gadget, having arrested every single criminal in Riverton.
Taking place four years later, Gadgetmobile has undergone a paint job and is now blue, light teal and yellow squares with three silver sports G's, one on his hood and two on the doors have been replaced instead of white in 1999 or purple in 2003. In his dashboard's vending machine, Happy Meal, Burger King, and Subway replaced liver, beef, and chicken, along with Sprite, Surge, and Coca-Cola and the Mickey Mouse toy on atop, four ability buttons, Disney logo, thruster fins, horn, and grapple mechanical arms resembling a mute, translate, question mark logo, and an heart. And the six fast food sections, KFC, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Domino's, and T.G.I. Friday's replaced same as McDonald's twice, Skittles, M&M's, jumbo burger (chocolate lollipops), Gadget deluxe sandwich (jelly beans), and H2O (sausage baps). Gadgetmobile is very much like lazy than his former, Gadget, having arrested every single one of the criminals in Riverton, Ohio, Michigan, Metro City.
Gadgetmobile's face gives him a new colour blue, with teal and yellow on the front of his hood, that was replaced the original colour of white from the both movies.
D.L. Hughley.
Charlie Day.
The Gadgetmobile "G".
Inspector Gadget.
White, Purple, And Blue.
Gadgetmobile's 14,000 Gadgets.